Dhyanjot’s Yoga Blog

Chakra Series

Chakra Series

We will explore the eight major energy vortexes of the body or Chakras for the next eight weeks. Chakra means "wheel" and are energy centers in the body. Understanding the chakras can help us understand the way energy is processed by a human being within the vast and...

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Root Chakra

Root Chakra

The root (Muland­hara) Chakra.  When the first chakra is func­tion­ing well you are secure, sta­ble, stead­fast, pos­i­tively relent­less, and loyal show­ing great endurance under non-ideal sit­u­a­tions.  The root chakra is rep­re­Root Chakra: Muland­hara Chakra....

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Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Balancing the water and emotions of the body and enhancing your creativity: This week we will explore Kriyas that bring your water into balance so your creativity may be fully expressed. If your water is out of balance in the body your kidneys get placed under...

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