Gong Immersions,  Sound Sessions, privates, & Lessons 

Expe­ri­ence the sacred vibra­tion and trans­for­ma­tion ben­e­fits of sound healing. These are sacred experiences to help you get in touch with the subtle realms of your true reality.

Gong Immersions and Sound Baths  are designed for open­ing block­ages, neu­tral­iz­ing ten­sion and increas­ing the heal­ing poten­tial of the human body.  Each immer­sion embraces the sound tech­nol­ogy to attract pro­tec­tive and guid­ing light that is gen­er­ated by our solar sys­tem.    Each planet rep­re­sents a dif­fer­ent energy and vibra­tion based on its move­ment around the Sun.  Each immer­sion or session has a dif­fer­ent com­bi­na­tion of gongs rep­re­sent­ing the solar sys­tem and their relationship with Vedic Astrology of the day.

Each plan­e­tary gong has a unique vibra­tion that opens and trans­forms the energy vor­texes of the body to ini­ti­ate ener­getic free­dom and heal­ing. When we have ener­getic free­dom we feel alive and joy­ous while attract­ing the peo­ple and things that serve our pur­pose in life.

Some of the gongs that are usu­ally present include: Pla­tonic Earth rep­re­sent­ing clar­ity and pur­pose; Earth Year rep­re­sent­ing the Expe­ri­ence of the Jour­ney; Venus rep­re­sent­ing love, friend­ship, joy, and abun­dance; Nep­tune rep­re­sent­ing imag­i­na­tion, cre­ativ­ity, com­pas­sion, and height­ened aware­ness; Mer­cury to com­mu­ni­cate inter­nally; and ele­men­tal earth rep­re­sent­ing bal­ance and pro­tec­tion.  Other Gongs may include the action of Mars, Emotional support of Nibiru, Healing energy of Chiron, Power of flow of the moon, Initiating energy of the Sun, Expansive nature of Jupiter, the symphony of Symphonic, and the openings of the Wind gong to name a few.

Light Vibrations Ensemble Gong Immersions

Dhyanjot is an experienced sacred sound healer who has devoted many hours creating the space to channel energy through planetary gongs.  Each immersion is aligned based on the Vedic Astrology influences of the day.  He utilizes various instruments of sound healing including a minimum of 10 planetary gongs, singing bowls, ethereal Native American Flutes, Puruvian Whistles, Hand Pan, drums, Shamanic Rattles, Isochronic Beats, and a variety of bells and chimes.

Gong Immersions are a journey of opening the subtle portals, preparing the body to let go, and warming the body to recieve the potential energetic planetary influences of the day.  Dhyanjot uses a variety of techniques and teachings in the areas of Yoga, Vedic Astrology, and Qi Gong to fulfill the potential of the experience.

Gong Immersions are for everyone but one must be open minded and prepared to come in light loose clothing, yoga mat and something comfortable to lay on for at least 1 hour.  All immersions will include light movements to prepare the body, intentional meditation based on the planetary arrangement(some include sacred mantra to communicate the intention from your own sound current from within), and yogic sleep for at least one hour (some may even sit and meditate in the experience).  It is also ok to bring ear plugs if you are sensitive to sound as it it is the vibration that is most important during these experiences.

Gong Immer­sions are on var­i­ous Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day Nights on a monthly basis.  These are best to pre-register to reserve your spot.  Most gong immersions are 2-3 hours long.  It may seem long but when you are in the timeless space of sound you will feel so at peace that you will not want it to end.  Click here to find out about the next gong immersion.

Click here to check out the next gong immersion

Dhyan­jot, HHC, E-RYT, STGM

Light Vibrations Ensemble Sound Sessions

Sounds Sessions are normally on Sunday nights at the end of the weekend helping one clear their energy and create the mental and emotional framework for the week.  Sound sessions are different than gong immersions in that they are a less choreographed experience, shorter in length and include only 5-6 planetary gongs based on the Vedic Astrology of the day. One should be prepared to wear comfortable clothing, meditate for 11 minutes (some mantra), and lay down for about an hour.

Click here to find out more about the next sound session

Private Sound Gatherings & Events

Create your own group and energetic healing theme and Dhyanjot will match the gongs and sound healing intruments to meet the need of the group.  Typically these will range from 1.5- 2.5 hours.   All sessions will vary depending on the Audience and special request.  These events can range from a simple arrangements with 3 or less people starting at $199 to large events starting at $900.  Will travel up to 15-20 miles for pricing without a surcharge.

Click here for more information on Private Gatherings

Gong Lessons

Gong training is a very personal experience as you learn the subtle aspects of how the gong plays you.  Group trainings may be organized but it is not the recommended format because one must formulate their own subtle connections without the confusion or distractions of multiple energetic influences in the space.  There are  3 certification programs:  Gong 101, Gong Alchemist, and Gong Master

Click Here to find out more about gong lesson options

Live outside the San Diego Area:

Dhyanjot has a 10 day personal immersion into sound healing.  Each person has a different experience with sound so this gives private one on one experience into learning the subtle realms of sound healing for oneself or to share with others.  Click here for more information about out a 10 day sound healing retreat program.  San Diego is a great place to take a vacation and get a training all in one.  Enjoy the sounds of the ocean and embrace the subtle realms of sound.


Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.