Gong and Sound Bath

with Light Vibrations Gong Ensemble

led by Gong Master Dhyanjot and Friends


Next Session:
Sunday November 10th, 2024

Time: 7:30-9:30 pm

Gong Club Dates:
Sunday November 10th
Sunday December 15th

Friday Sessions begin at 7:30 pm
Sunday Sessions begin at 5:30 pm


Stage 7 Studio

9103 Chesapeake Drive-Kearny Mesa

Easy access off the 163/Kearny Villa Road at the Kearny Villa Commerse business park.

Convenient and lots of easy parking


Admittance Options:

Admit 1 : $40 at the door
Cash, Venmo, or paypal please only

Online registration closed

If having online payment issues, first change your browser from Safari to Chrome as Safari has glitches with stripe payment system.  Or you have the option to use alterante registration options with Venmo @gary-grenus with 5557 phone number; paypal @dhyanjot@gmail.com;  Zelle at 619-730-5557 or Garygrenus@gmail.com.  PLease make note in the comments SS and the date of session.

Walk ins: $40

All Sales final due to planning and logistics

All ages welcome-Silence is required


Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in

Walk ins please be prepared with Cash, Venmo, Zelle, or Paypal payments

No late arrivals.  Doors lock promptly at 5:30 pm on Sunday sessions and 7:30 pm on Friday sessions as these are timed events

All Sales Final

There is no contact with facilitators the same day of events

Note:  Gong Immersions at different locations are not included in Gong Club. Individual Gong Club sessions can be transferred by request to another person with a minimum of 48 hours notice.  No transfers less than 48 hours notice. There are no transfers to other locations or later dates.  Gong club are consecutive dates listed above.

Transfers to another person can be applied on single/couple purchases, but must be requested at least 48 hours prior to session.

**Register for Gong Club** which includes  discount

**Gong Club members get exclusive  discounts when purchasing a gong and gong equipment and coupon discounts for gong immersions outside of gong club

***Please do not try to contact us on the same day as event, as facilitation of event is in progress and we are not available


Stage 7 Studio
9103 Chesapeake Dr, San Diego, CA 92123

Easy access off the 163/Kearny Villa Road at the Kearny Villa Commerse business park.  Convenient and lots of easy parking

Remaining Gong Club sessions

Friday November 10th
Sunday December 15th


Payment Options

If you have any issue with submit on website, Venmo @gary-grenus with 4 digit number 5557.  Or zelle to garygrenus@gmail.com.  Please put in memo full name or names, use amount above and stage 7 and the date.



Vedic Astrology for the session:  Each session is related to the astrology of the day to maximize the potential of any external influences that comes from the Sun, Moon, or any other planet in our solar system.

November 10th, 2024 Astrology:


Gongs for session:


5-7 gongs ensemble for Sunday Sound Sessions.  Gongs in relationship to the solar system activated are decided prior to event

Note: Signing up for the newsletter is best way to find out about these events.  They are announced in the bi-monthly newsletter.   

Pre-registration highly suggested as space is limited

What about singing bowls in sound healing?
Each singing bowl has a note, octave and frequency related to various areas of the body. The most common are sounds that relate to each energy vortex or chakra.  Bowls act as a catalyst or instigator to these areas and can help activate the movement of energy or emotions stuck in these places.  When a sound healer combines singing bowls with gongs and other instruments, then one can create a new harmony and rhythm in the body that is closest to its original balanced state of being.

 Why experience regular sound healings?
Old patterns, conditions and frequencies established from ones upbringing, habits, trauma and experiences can have long lasting effects on the body and mind.  These patterns and conditions can get stuck because they have been established over long periods of time or for some even genetically.  Regular sound healings help unwind these patterns or habitual frequencies and with proper gong/bowl arrangements on a consistent basis, one can re-align ones own frequency to its own innate intelligence in order to establish positive, balanced patterns from ones own innate intelligence.  This is called “sound healing entrainment’.  To be consistent with sound entrainment helps one sustain the preferred pattern of alignment in order to stay in the state of balance (Sattva). Each time the new frequency or the balanced frequency becomes stronger and replaces the old self-defeating patterns.  The more often one applies group and personal sound healings the easier it is to make permanent the energetic shift from old patterns into new intended patterns.  Old patterns can be related to genetics, environment, and upbringing and can vary on what is needed to make each shift.  Private consultation and private sessions can help one discover and work on these patterns even more efficiently and effectively.   The use of special light frequency therapy along with sound entrainment has been scientifically studied  to show positive results for mental and emotional imbalances.  Light and sound therapies help activate neurological pathways inorder to re-balance, clear and reset mental/emotional stagnations especially related to mood, dimentia, mental accuity, and other mental/emotional health disorders.

In summary: each instrument, singing bowl and gong has a unique vibra­tion that initiates a transformative balancing effect for each of the energy vor­texes of the body.  When the body is re-harmonized from sound, then one becomes more mentally and emotionally free and begin to create space to mentally and emotionally heal past wounds before they crystalize in the body. To experience ener­getic free­dom is to consistently feel happy and joy­ful while attract­ing the peo­ple and things that preserve your wellbeing.

What to expect: Check in 10 minutes prior to session.  Please wait outside door until room is ready for entry.   Please be patient if running late as we want to make sure the atomosphere of the immersion is the best it can be. In most cases we will check in and let in 5-10 minutes prior to session and doors will close and lock at the designated start time as once door is locked there will be no late entry once the session has started.  Please arrive 10 minute early to allow yourself to park and gently arrive for the session.  Please enter the room qui­etly and choose a spot to lay down. We ask to minimize any talk­ing dur­ing or in the heal­ing sound ses­sion room.  Please keep cell phones turned off as this can be disruptive during the session.

What to wear and bring:  Wear comfortable clothes for meditation and laying down comfortably for about 45 minutes.  Bring a yoga mat or blanket, mask, eye pillow, or anything that will make you feel more comfortable.  Most importantly come with an empty mind and open heart.

Each session will include some of the fol­low­ing gongs: Pla­tonic Earth rep­re­sent­ing expe­ri­ence, clar­ity and pur­pose; Venus rep­re­sent­ing love, friend­ship, joy, and abun­dance; Nep­tune rep­re­sent­ing imag­i­na­tion, cre­ativ­ity, com­pas­sion, and height­ened aware­ness; and ele­men­tal earth rep­re­sent­ing bal­ance and pro­tec­tion; Special gong guests may include:  Chi­ron; Mars, Nibiru, Earth Year, Moon, Sun, and Jupiter. Other instruments may include ethereal flute, singing bowls, hand pan, isochronic beats, wind gongs, specialty chimes, bells, harmonium, special whistles, rattles, and drums.  All instruments in each session play a part in the journey of uncovering, discovering, and transforming your cells back into harmonious balance.

Biography: Gary  ‘Dhyanjot’ Grenus
Dhyanjot, also known as ‘DJ,’ is a distinguished Gong Master Sound Healer, an E-RYT500 Certified Lead Trainer at the Integrated School of Yoga and Sound Healing in San Diego, and the author of the acclaimed “11 Day Evolution Cleanse and Detox” Program. A graduate from the TCU School of Healing Arts, DJ holds certifications from five distinct yoga teacher training programs, showcasing his commitment to continuous learning and mastery.With a rich background that spans multiple styles of yoga, sound healing techniques, and shamanic journeying, DJ has been a dedicated practitioner and instructor since 1999. Operating from his private practice in San Diego, he offers transformative experiences such as yoga teacher and sound healing trainings, gong immersions, sound healings, ‘Mastering Self’ life coaching, and a quarterly yoga cleanse and detox program.DJ’s programs are designed to assist individuals in effectively managing stress, fatigue, hypertension, trauma, addiction, depression, anxiety, inflexibility, indigestion, and weight-related challenges. Through his comprehensive approach to holistic wellness, DJ has established himself as a trusted guide on the path to personal transformation.

What is sound healing?
Sessions vary from practitioner to practitioner making each session unique. Every session with Dhyanjot is meticulously crafted to unravel energetic impediments, dissolve tension, and amplify the life force within the human body. Through a fusion of sound methodologies and yoga techiniques, these sessions aim to purify and guide the inherent energy pulsating within each individual. When the authentic resonance of your inner essence harmonizes seamlessly with the celestial rhythms of the outer cosmos, a profound alignment is achieved.
What about the gong in sound healing?
There are many types and styles of gongs. The most effective gongs in sound healing are the ones that have a specific fundamental note, octave, vibration (frequency) that is translatable into human language (content) making each gong an instrument for cosmic communication. Aptly dubbed planetary gongs, these instruments demonstrate optimal efficacy when orchestrated as an ensemble, resonating alongside other planetary counterparts and accent instruments that mirror the cosmic constellations dictated by Vedic Astrology. Aligning these gongs with the celestial configurations enhances their resonance, creating an intensified connection to the vibrational frequencies from our solar system.  Incorporating the element of intention, when a collective of human beings converges, a conduit of healing energy materializes.  This conduit serves as a clear, aligned, and synchronized vibrational channel, seamlessly intertwined with the collective consciousness.  Such harmony proves instrumental in purging the mind of negative, self-limiting patterns, transmuting these mental and physical frequencies into a harmonious, positive energy that opens one up to their own innate potential.  Each arrangement facilitates an alignment of the body that ultimately fosters a state of equilibrium for all that attend.  The resonance is further amplified by the intentions of each individual in relationship with the planetary gongs making each session powerfully unique.  
How is each session created?
Sacred sound healer Dhyanjot uses Vedic Astrology to tune into the planetary alignments to create the intention and gong arrangment for each session.  Each gong ses­sion will have 5–8 gongs, 11 minute Med­i­ta­tion, aro­mather­apy and other sound heal­ing instruments that fit the astrological arrangement perimeters to maximize the potential for each session.

Sunday sound sessions are designed to help you reset for the upcoming week while Friday night session help one release stress and decompress after your week.  Both types of sessions are designed to reset and realign your body, mind and spirit back to harmony.


Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.