Vedic Astrology Reading:

Learn the position of the stars in the sky when you were born and how each planet influences your daily life.  Understanding these planetary influences can help one evaluate challenges and opportunities in their life to better position oneself for success. Knowing ones alignment can help one make decisive decisions that effectively support ones intentions for personal and business life.

Schedule a Vedic Read­ing
$108(1.5 hr)
Skype and Face­Time options available

Tantric Numerol­ogy Read­ing:

Tantric Numerol­ogy helps you dis­cover how to over­come obsta­cles, con­nect with your inner guidance, devel­op your rela­tion­ship with your des­tiny, establish your gifts, and recognize your life path.

You will be given a prac­ti­cal yoga prac­tice that helps connect to your inner guidance while reducing the effects of the conflict between your inner world in relationship with the outside world (Karma).  You only need 15 min­utes a day. 

Cat­e­gories of dis­cus­sion Include:  
Karma–To Bring you into bal­ance between the inner and outer world.  Understanding lifetime cause and effect.
Des­tiny–In rela­tion to your past life expe­ri­ences
Gift–What you bring to the world and how to embrace your gifts
Soul–How to con­nect to with higher states of con­scious­ness beyond the phys­i­cal body.
Life Path– Dis­cov­ery what your pur­pose is in this life time

Why have a read­ing?  Tantric read­ings brings your aware­ness to your purpose.  It also brings to you self understanding and guidance on how to balance your inner and outer worlds along with suggestions on how to connect to a higher sense of self.  When you get a persoanlized practice, then you are able to continue the process of self understanding not only physically and mentally but also spiritually.  These revelations from doing a recommended personal experience can help re-align you with your purpose and assist in healing any wounds of the past while creating space for opportunity into the future.

Balancing your inner world with your outer world consisting of personal and business relationships can be challenging. But with the insights and tools used from a tantric numerology practice can help you understand your purpose, align with your destiny, and be on a path that is happy, successful, and fulfilling.  

We discuss a personal practice that is designed to fit your level of committment.  This is a great pre-requisite to the mastering self program.  Doing both a tantric numerology and a Vedic astrology reading will give you the most insightful information for the greatest success in mastering the self program.

Schedule a Tantric Numerol­ogy Read­ing
$108(1.5 hr)
Skype and Face­Time options available


Mastering the Self

Schedule an appointment

Become the master of your life through self awareness practices that keep you in tune with the influences in your life that change every 52 days.  Each year you take a trip around the Sun.  Every 52 days there is a different influence to both men and women just like women have a 30 day moon cycle.  Through the process you learn about the 7 periods we go through individually and collectively.

1st Session: $108 1.5 hours
2nd-7th Session: $85 per hour
(We meet in person or via FaceTime/skype/zoom every 52 days)
Paid in full: $555 (Covers one full year or 7 appointments)

Commonly asked questions: 
Tell me more about what to expect?  To apply the principles in this program one needs to commit a minimum of 15 minutes a day to experinec any sort of benefits or results in this program.  We meet every 52 days for a progress report, review of the planetary period and recieve guidance for self realization.  Each visit receiving a meditation practice to maximize the potential of the program.
*Every­one is dif­fer­ent so rec­om­men­da­tions and strate­gies vary from per­son to person

How Often do we meet? Once every 52 days.  There are a total of seven session including the initial session.  7 sessions x 52 =364 days which is equal to one solar cycle of your year.  

Can anyone do this? Yes the only thing you need is an open mind, a desire to grow, and 15 minutes a day to practice your meditation.

 Since beginning the Mastering Self program,  I have seen positive and powerful changes in my life.  Each period opens up new doors and moves me closer toward knowing truth and reaching my personal potential.  It is not always an easy practice, but Dhyanjot is a patient, knowledgeable, and selfless teacher, who truly comes from the heart and has helped me to build my commitment and self-discipline.  Each period has brought with it a further expansion (of Self) and I am inspired to continue to grow in my practice as I see the profound impact of this dynamic process.


For more information and testimonials


Life Coaching and other Counseling

Schedule an appointment

Life Coach or Rela­tion­ship Coun­sel­ing
$108 (1.5 hrs) first appoint­ment
$85/hr for on going counsel

Nutri­tion Con­sul­ta­tion:

$108 Ini­tial Con­sul­ta­tion: 1.5 hours
Includes: Health Assess­ment, Con­sti­tu­tion Eval­u­a­tion and Ini­tial Rec­om­men­da­tions
Fol­low Up Ses­sions
$85 per session
Skype and Face­Time options avail­able for out of town clients

$399 (two 1.5 hour appointments)
Includes: Health Assess­ment, Con­sti­tu­tion Eval­u­a­tion and extensive written Rec­om­men­da­tions. 2 appointments included

Fol­low up Nutrition con­sul­ta­tions
$85/hr in person- One hour minimum

Follow up phone* or email* Con­sul­ta­tions
*Phone coach­ing options:  $1 per minute
(min­i­mum 20 min­utes per call-client on retainer)

*Email coach­ing option:  $20 per email(can vary based on request or needs)-Based on addi­tional coach­ing on present diet rec­om­men­da­tions (no charge for clar­i­fi­ca­tions on present rec­om­men­da­tions)

Rec­om­men­da­tions may include:
Strate­gic Diet Guid­ance and Sup­ple­ments, Life Style Rec­om­men­da­tions, Breath­ing Exer­cises, Per­sonal Med­i­ta­tion, Per­sonal exer­cises which may include Yoga Move­ments or postures.

House calls– extra fee apply


Private and Corporate Yoga

Schedule an appointment


Pri­vate Yoga Ses­sion — $85 (1 hr) On Site

These are personalized sessions and vary depending on the needs of each client. Most privates focus on fundamentals of yoga and is adjusted for the needs of the client.
We will use yoga postures, breathing exercises and med­i­ta­tions to address the needs of the client. They may include but not limited to: imbal­ances in areas of weight, addic­tion, self empow­er­ment, stress, anx­i­ety, ten­sion, depres­sion, diges­tion, immu­nity, per­sonal growth, pros­per­ity, flex­i­bil­ity, back pain, and body cleans­ing.

Pri­vate Yoga Session/Training–Offsite(yoga stu­dio or in home) for 2 or more students-Starts at $108 an 1.5 hour session(Includes Yoga Space if needed) plus travel.  Add $10 for each addi­tional Stu­dent.  Add $55 for each addi­tional hour

Corporate yoga-Most classes are 45 minute to 60 minutes in length and pricing varies from $85-$120 per hour. Inquiry for current rates.  Options include: Gentle Hatha, Vigorous Vinyasa, Kundalini, or Yin Yoga.




Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.