Private Stu­dio Sound Bed and Light Sessions

Emotional Fitness Therapies

The light and sound sessions is a true journey into everything.  DJ guides the sessions with Reiki and uses sound healing to create an extremely safe and peaceful environment in which I feel comfortable to really go deep into the healing process and follow my inner guides.  I always emerge with a clearer, more confident mind and a refreshed body and spirit.


Sound Bed Vibration and Light Therapies

The three pillars of emotional fitness include:
Restore (Heal)
Shift (Elevate)
Create (Attract)

I have created a variety of sessions that will meet the three pillars of emotional fitness. When you arrive you can inform me of the preferred emotional support needed at this time.  Note: sessions that support creativity and attraction are better done earlier in the day where those sessions that are designed for anxiety relief, better sleep or restorative healing and relaxation are better suited for late afternoon and early evening.

Session length begins at 45 minutes with options for 60 and 90 minute sessions.

There are options to upgrade for live gong, reiki, and other live techniques.

The new 45 minute session is economical, efficient and powerful version that includes a session on the vibrational sound healing bed along with a complementing light frequency. Sessions start at $49.
The 45 minute power session does not include live instruments or counsel, but works really well before or after a workday to activate the entrainment process and help shift your intentional energy if done frequently and on a regular basis. 

Schedule a Session with Dhyanjot

  • Sound bed and light therapy-45 minutes: $49
  • Sound bed and light therapy-60 minutes: $59
  • Extended sound bed and light therapy-90 minutes:  $89* 
  • Couples live gong sound healing and light therapy(no sound bed):  90 minutes: $140
  • Virtual distance reiki healing-45 minutes: $49
  • Group live gong sound healing up to six people on site:  $250
  • Group live gong sound healing up to 8 people offsite (up to 20 miles) $395
  • Mastering self session add on sound and light therapy (prepaid master sessions):   $40:  1:45 minutes
  • Any counsel session (not prepaid sessions) with add on sound bed and light therapy:  $125:  1:45 minutes

    *  Live gong, reiki and other sound healing techniques may be added for an additional fee.  See scheduling appointment listings for all live upgrade options available

Sound Bed and Light Standard Pack­ages:

Five 1 hour ses­sions:  $225

Five 1 hour ses­sions:  $275

Note: Time under the light therapy may vary per session depending on the experience of the recipient along with type of session requested.  Most sessions include a minimum of 20-30 minutes under the light.  

Types of Ses­sions:

1 Hour Ses­sion Options (these can also be 1.5 hour ses­sions)

-Bet­ter Brain Pro­cess­ing & men­tal reten­tion
-Cog­ni­tive Sup­port & GPA Boost
-Emotional Balance-Water Flow
-Hor­monal Bal­ance
-Psy­chic Phe­nom­e­non & bliss
-Enhance Joy-Color Ther­apy Jour­ney
-Increase energy rejuvenation-Gold Path
-Relieve negativity and Depres­sion
-Bal­ance mind and energy
-Activating Creativity
-Deep Healing-Genetic aligning-tribal

90 minute ses­sions (recommended):

-Deep Relax­ation and Men­tal Flow
-Lucid Dream Intu­itive Awak­en­ing
-Euphoric Cre­ativ­ity & Flow
-Pain Management-Serotonin 
-Endor­phine stim­uli-J0y
-Men­tal Clar­ity and focus
-Deep Intro­spec­tion and Clar­ity
-Enhance Joy-Color Ther­apy Jour­ney
-Activate Creativity
-Mind Art and Cre­ative Expan­sion
-Expand beyond mundane world
-Self Healing with love Heals
-Healing love relationships-couples
-Peace and Con­tent­ment
-Star light Dance with the Uni­verse
-Sub­con­scious clearing to awak­en­
-Deep relaxation and stress releif
-Deep Theta Creativity Med­i­ta­tion #1
-Pyschic Trip
-Activate brain and support brain processing
-Memory retention
-Cog­ni­tive sup­port 
& GPA Boost
-Emotional balance-Water Flow
-Hor­monal Bal­ance
-Psy­chic phe­nom­e­non & bliss
-Energize and reju­ve­na­tion
-Relieve negativity and depression
-Bal­ance body, mind and soul

90 minute advanced ses­sions:

-Advance focus, mem­ory, alert, & pos­i­tive think­ing
-Advanced Learn­ing & mem­ory Entrain­ment
-Advanced Cog­ni­tive Flow
-Advanced Imag­i­na­tion and Dreams
-Advanced Cre­ativ­ity and emo­tional pro­cess­ing
-Advanced Reiki Light Chan­nel­ing and Visu­al­iza­tions
-Deep Relax and Inner Ton­ing
-Deep Destress and Relax
-Deep Theta Journey
-Complete Chakra align and reboot

2 Hour Ses­sions (Advanced-At least one prior ses­sion of 1.5 hour required): $149

-Chakra Cleans­ing Jour­ney
-Advanced Love Heals
-Advance Deep Theta Jour­ney
-Advance Astral Travel #1
-Advanced Astral Travel #2

2.5 hour Ses­sions (advanced-A min­i­mum of 2 ses­sions 0f 1.5 hour required): $199

-Astral travel with Sound Attune­ment

-Astral Travel #2 with Sound Attunement

3 Hour Session(advanced-A min­i­mum of 2 ses­sions 0f 1.5 hour required)$249

-Deep Sub Con­scious Cleanse and Cog­ni­tive Support 

4.5 Hour Session:(advanced-A min­i­mum of 2 ses­sions 0f 1.5 hour required)-$299

Spe­cial arrange­ments need to be arranged for 3 an 4 hour highly advanced ses­sions

-Deeper Sub-conscious cleans­ing and Cog­ni­tive Support

I was able to open up emotionally and spiritually from the light and sound sessions.  I had some profound visions and sensations under the light and was able to move into deeper and longer sessions in a short amount of time. I highly recommend doing this as Dhyanjot is a world-class healer, so you will be in good hands

Lindsey P


Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.