Integrated School of Yoga and Sound Healing
Training Offerings:
1-60 Hour Kundalini Yoga Training-For beginners and advanced student who want to deepen their understanding for Kundalini Yoga
2-100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Training-For those who have practiced some Kundalini Yoga and want to teach Kundalini Yoga while already have taken another certified Yoga Training Course. This course can also be taken in conjuct with the Hatha Vinyasa training to receive a Yoga Alliance 200 Hour teaching certificate for both Vinyasa and Kundalini Yoga
3-200 Hour E-RYS training certified with Yoga Alliance (2021 new standards*) Hatha Vinyasa Teacher Training Course to be a teacher or to sharpen your physical yoga practice
4-260 Hour training certificate with a 200 Hour E-RYS training certified with Yoga Alliance (2021 new standards*) Hatha Vinyasa/Kundalini Yoga teacher training to sharpen your physical and energetic systems or to become a teacher of either type of yoga
5-Gong Fundamentals, Gong Alchemy, and Gong Mastery. There is a rare group opportunity on fundamentals, but most trainess choose to have a one on one experience. After 14 years of teaching sound healing, it has been realized that each individual is different in the way they approach sound healing and it is best to have the uninterupted energy of a one on one training. Click here for more information on Gong and Sound Healing personalized training
*2021 Yoga Alliance has new special requirements that strengthen the program and requires the school to only have E-RYT 500 teachers teaching the entire coarse study.
Note: All four yoga trainings above have both a public group option and now more than ever the popular customized syllabus to meet your schedule with options for zoom live or zoom recorded. This allows those interested to do the trainings from anywhere in the world at your own schedule. Inquiry at [email protected] to see if the coarse study will fit your needs. If you are local San Diego, then the options to customize your own training is availbalbe to you. Each training has a rolling enrollment that can be begun at any time.

Kundalini Yoga 60 hour certificate program
Appointment are personalized
$795 for 60 hour training
This is an online coarse with 3 teacher meetings live or via zoom to discuss modules
Add $600 for teacher certification*

Hatha Vinyasa Training
~Introduction to Sanskrit mantras
~Introduction to Ayurveda and personal constituition discovery
~Introduction to Samkhya philosophy
~Anatomy and physiology of Yoga
~sequencing, transitions, and counter poses principles and application
~Modifications and Adjustments for different body types
~Bandhas (locks), Mudra (hand/arm seals), Drishti (eye focus)
~Principles and methodology and alignments for Ashtanga Vinyasa standing, seated, core, hips, back bends and inversions
~Practicum development, practice, and implementation
~Yoga marketing and career options
~Business of Yoga
~Yoga Philosophy and study of the sutras
~Ethics and the quality of a teacher
Hatha Vinyasa Part 1*-Rolling Enrollment
Customized to fit your schedule, location and circumstances and can be done at your own pace.
*contact [email protected] to schedule an appointment to customize your yoga training modules
Rolling Enrollment
Hatha Vinyasa Part 2-Part one pre-requisite*
*contact [email protected] to schedule an appointment to customize your yoga training modules
Price for part 1 and part 2:$1795
This is an online coarse plus 6 meetings in person or via zoom if not local
*Note: No additional books needed when signing up for part 2. Part 1 is required prior to taking part 2.
This coarse study is designed for those who want to deepen their Hatha Vinyasa yoga practice and it will prepare you if you choose to teach dynamic Hatha Vinyasa classes. This coarse is an accredited program with the updated standards as of 2022 with Yoga Alliance. Many trainings are not registered by Yoga Alliance as they no longer qualify due to new qualifications of qualified 500 E-RYT teachers. This course is taught by only E-RYT 500 teachers.
Hatha Vinyasa/Kundalini Dual Certification:
Each person will receive the full curiculum from all nine modules listed above for both Hatha Vinyasa and Kundalini Yoga. Each graduate will receive a 200 hour Yoga Alliance acrredited RYT certificate of completion in both Hatha Vinyasa and Kundalini.
Price: $1995
This is an online program with 8 meetings in person or via zoom if not local
Rolling Enrollment
Special Note: The opportunity to learn Hatha Vinyasa Yoga principles supplemented by Pantanjali sutras in conjunct with Kundalini Yoga is an opportunity to cultivate a more complete perspective of yoga.
A form of Hatha Vinyasa Yoga is usually taught in most Western training programs. To learn both Kundalini and Hatha Vinyasa gives the student teacher a wide range of knowledge, techniques, and disciplines that is beyond most RYT 200 trainings. When taking these coarses separately one would normally pay upwards of $5000-$6000 or more to complete both trainings. The dual certificate program gives you the opportunity to save over $3000 while also saving hours of time.
**All Tuition and Deposits are non-fundable due to our commitments on rental space, books, and other needs of the training. Make ups on portions missed in modules are available via video recordings. If you need any clarifications on any of the programs please do not hesitate to contact Dhyanjot at [email protected]
Hatha Vinyasa Module #1A
- Pantanjali Yoga Sutra Introduction
- Sutra Study
- Yoga Lineage-types of yoga review
- 8 Limbs of Yoga introduction and study
- Sun Salutation A/B postures, breathing, and modifications
- Strength alignment principles/methodology related to all postures
- Sanskrit mantra review
Hatha Vinyasa Module #1B
- Sutra Study: Continue 8 limbs
- Pranayama (Breathing)101
- Hatha/Vinyasa Energy Anatomy
- Chakra, Bunddhas (locks), Mudra (hand/arm), Drishti (Eye focus) study/application
- Standing Postures part 1 with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology of standing positions part 1
Hatha Vinyasa Module #1C
- Sutra Study: Continue 8 limbs
- Standing Postures part 2 with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology of standing positions part 2
- Introduction to Ayurveda and personal constitution
- Seated Postures with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology of seated positions
Kundalini Yoga Module #1*
- Kundalini Yoga Lineage
- Kundalini Gurmukhi mantra review
- Aquarian Sadhana mantra/Japji study
- What is Kriya verses Kriya Yoga
- What is Sadhana
- Introduction to Numerology
- Kundalini Breathing Techniques
- Kundalini Energy Anatomy
*Includes Long Chant Sadhana Sunday morning
Kundalini Yoga Module #2*
- Sound/Mantra/Sacred Geometry
- Study of the source and use of sound to direct and effect the body/mind spirit-Shabad Guru
- Sat Nam Rasayan
- Humanology part 1
- Humanology part 2
*Includes Aquarian Sadhana on Sunday morning
Kundalini Yoga Module #3*
- Ten Body System part 1-Learning about the aspects of the phyche related to the Kundalini practice
- Ten Body System part 2-Learning about the aspects of the phyche related to the Kundalini practice
- Kriya book and posture review along with adjustments and modifications
- Advanced breathing techniques and meditations
*Includes Sat Kriya Sadhana on Sunday Morning
Hatha Vinyasa Module 2A
(Pre-requisite complete Module #1)
- Ayurveda Part 2
- Sanskrit Mantra continued
- Back bends with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology of back bends
- Hip openers with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology of hip openers
- Modifications, Contraindications, and alternative postures for injury
- Core postures with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology for the core postures
Hatha Vinyasa Module 2B
- Inversions with alignments, modifications, and hands on adjustments
- Principles and Methodology for inversions
- Practicum review
- Sequencing
- Class planning
- Anatomy and physiology of posture part 1A
- Anatomy and physiology of posture part 1B
- Additional Hatha posture review
Hatha Vinyasa Module 2C
- Anatomy and physiology of posture part 2A
- Anatomy and physiology of posture part 2B
- Advanced modifications and hands on adjustments
- Business of Yoga
- Ehtics and quality of a teacher
- Archetypes and Murtis
- Practicum practice and review
*To be certified to teach Hatha Vinyasa (module 1 and 2) or a dual certification (modules 1, 2 plus Kundalini) there is an added practicum practice, presentation, required class participation and final exam. This teaching option can be decided during the training.
**The 60 hour Kundalini module doesn’t have all the requirements to teach Kundalini Yoga. If you have a previous yoga alliance certified yoga training then the Kundalini Training Certificate can be combined with your other certification to teach with an added 40 hours/ plus fee and requirements listed above
***Each student has up to 2 years from the first module to complete all modules for a teaching certification. There are also make up options to obtain training requirements sooner if one misses a module needed for certification.
What training is best for me?
For those interested in the physical practice of yoga focusing on alignment, strength, flexibility and modifications then the Hatha Vinyasa training is for you. If you are most interested in managing/directing energy, advanced breathing techniques, advanced access point meditations, and heart/soul connection then the Kundalini modules is for you. If you want to learn both the physical, energetic and heart/soul practices related to Yoga then both training directives are for you.
How do I choose?
There are two 3-part modules for Hatha Vinyasa and one 3-part module for Kundalini Yoga. Each module is broken into three parts or three weekends.
There are two option for enrollment. You can create your own schedule on your own time or join live at the module schedule listed below. Hatha and Kundalini is technically always an open enrollment if you want a personalized syllabus and customized version of the training. If you want to come in person for all sessions then you will need to register for the live versions when they come up each year. The rolling enrollment includes 9 zoom or in person meetings and a 9 week syllabus that includes all modules via video to be done on your own time. This can be taken anywhere in the world.
Who takes the training?
Many who take the yoga training are doing it to deepen their practice, help with alignment, find modifications for their body, and learn the ancient philosophy to apply it to live a happy and healthy life. Others who are passionate about the practice and want to share it with others will go onto to teach the richness of yoga with a 200 hour teacher certificate approved by Yoga Alliance. Whatever your intention, each module will help you find your own depth for what you are ready to explore.
The live module coarses will be held in San Diego, California.
Note: The Kundalini Training can be taken and used in conjunct with a previously certified yoga teacher training program enabling you to teach Kundalini Yoga as a teacher by just adding 40 hours that will include a personalized yoga practice, additional class hours, practicum practice and practicum exam.
Why is Yoga training for everyone?
Yoga has been shown in clinical studies to reduce stress and calm the mind. That in itself is a gem to take into your everyday life.
This training program is for everyone and can be especially beneficial to beginners who would like a good foundation for their practice. For those with more experience, the yoga training is an opportunity to develop and deepen there own practice from learning bout alignments, modifications, hands on adjustments, and principles/methodology that go beyond the physcial practice.
Hatha(Vinyasa) and Kundalini Yoga is treasure chest of techniques and practices that can be taken off the mat and into the world. The ancient techniques shared in the training has helped so many people reduce daily stress and create the space for to learn about our minds, our bodies and the relationship we have with our hearts/soul. No matter your life style, religious beliefs, or background, the yoga journey can help anyone with an open mind to explore what it is to be human and to apply the concepts for a happier and healthier life.
Come learn how to integrate yoga into your life as a householder. Through the deep teachings in this yoga training program one can experience a deeper understanding of the true nature of existence and connect to the Infinite source of self. You learn not only the limitation and possibilities of the body and mind, but the potential that exists in each of us.
It is not only for those who want to be a teacher, but especially for those who want to deepen their own understanding of the mind, body, and spirit as a spiritual being living a human experience.
200 Hour Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Certification
(200 RYT with Yoga Alliance)
Click above to review deposit, pay in full and individual module options
Hatha Vinyasa/Kundalini Dual Certification:
260 Hour Hatha Vinyasa/Kundalini Yoga Training
(200 RYT with Yoga Alliance)
Click above to review deposit, pay in full and individual module options
60 or 100 hour Kundalini Yoga Only
Pay in full, payment plans and individual modules options available
The dual certification that includes all nine sessions is the best value and is a very comprehensive training that is not typically offered in the West. The Integrated Yoga program gives one an in depth teachings including extensive pranayama, energy anatomy, humanology and mantra along with weekly discussions of the sutras that is not normally seen in other trainings. Along with the richness in philosophy, energy anatomy, and humanology from the Kundalini system one also recieves a very comprehensive understanding of the physcial practice (asana) from E-RYT 500 teachers including methodologies that are not usually taught in the Kundalini yoga system such as: precise posture alignment, hands on adjustments, modifications and the use of props to name a few.
If you want an uncensored, diverse, and open minded perspective for your foundation of yoga, then this is the perfect training for you.
Our graduates develop themselves to become very skilled in their own yoga practice while those that aspire to be teachers will be prepared to teach amazing classes with their Yoga Alliance approved 200 hour certification.
Integrated Yoga Training Team

Dhyanjot is an E-RYT 500 certified lead trainer with proficiencies in Ayurveda, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Vinyasa, and Ashtanga Vinyasa. He has studied and practiced yoga since 1999 with lineages that include Yogi Bhajan, Krishnamacharya, Osho, Satya Sai Baba, Sivananda Saraswati, Satyananda Saraswati, and Parmahansa Yogananda. Other influences include Kundalini Yoga Institute, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, and the teachers/influences of Rishikesh Yogpeeth Abhayaranya.
He has trained in 7 different yoga styles including Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Kundalini, Anusara, Nidra, Naam, and Kriya Yoga with over 1200 hours of training combined and over 5000 hours teaching.
Dhyanjot aka “DJ” considers yoga a continuous flow of learning, practicing, and teaching as everyone is evolving, or better yet involving, as both a student and teacher at Earth University. He has been teaching regularly since 2009 with over 4500 hours of teaching Kundalini Yoga and over 1800 hours teaching Hatha Vinyasa internationally with a home base in San Diego.
Dhyanjot has partnered with an amazing group of trainers to form his programs at the Integrated School of Yoga and Sound Healing. Each year one can choose from three different programs to best fit ones commitment to the practice.
If you are interesting in travel and continued education join Dhyanjot on one of his international retreats to special places around the world to explore culture and and its relationship to yoga. Outside of San Diego you can find Dhyanjot on retreat/trainings in Bali, India, Mexico, Thailand or Europe. All retreats include continueing education units (CEU) approved by Yoga Alliance.
Hari Om

Laxmi is an E-RYT 500 certified teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience. She creates a safe and nurturing environment for practitioners of all levels. From beginners to advanced everyone is welcome to her classes. She has proficiencies in hands on adjustments, modifications, and has amazing sequencing and transitions in her teachings.
In 2004 Laxmi graduated from The School of Healing Arts and became a Holistic Health Practitioner. In 1997 she began her journey in Hatha yoga followed by a certification with training with Vendanta Sivananda Yoga Center in 2000 and in 2001 she completed a Ashtanga Yoga training with Tim Miller. Laxmi diverse experience brings an extra special energy to the Integrated Yoga training program. Laxmi prefers to practice and teach an all levels Hatha Vinyasa class with varied and creative sequencing that helps build strength, flexibility and endurance while keeping it light and fun.

Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light healings and mastering life sessions designed to help people live pain free, prosperous lives. In addition, I facilitate nutritional health cleanses, vibrational healing workshops, gong immersions for deep healing and I am available for holistic health and life coaching.
© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.
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