Solstice Summer Evolution Cleanse

Wednesday June 19th-Saturday July 29th, 2024

LIVE in Garden Sanctuary or Zoom Options

Garden Sanctuary is located just above Mission Vally at 8679 Jenny Avenue

Rejuvenate, recharge, and Renew
Keep in shape this Summer physcially, activate your energy to clear your mind, and expand your spirit.

“What I thought was going to be a nutri­tional edu­ca­tion and cleans­ing turned out to be a soul edu­ca­tion and cleans­ing. I sense this cleanse was just the begin­ning of a fresh path to self dis­cov­ery in my life.”

All Yoga Classes will be
with Dhyan­jot 
at South Park Yoga
For Ques­tions Con­tact 619–730-5557
or email
This cleanse is an eleven day jour­ney explor­ing your phys­i­cal, emo­tional, and men­tal well­ness through diet, daily yoga, and self-assessment.


  • Daily yoga and gong relax­ation
  • Detox man­ual (pro­ce­dures, recipes, guid­ance)
  • Spe­cific food and flex­i­ble daily detox rec­om­men­da­tions– adapt­able for a busy schedule
  • Pre-cleanse meeting provides spe­cial review and intro­duc­tion to the cleanse (Optional).
  • Daily group moti­va­tion and sup­port– Even if you have to miss a day you will receive so much reward
  • Daily dia­logue and com­mu­ni­ca­tion– with other stu­dents, chef, and nutri­tion­ist

New par­tic­i­pants will receive the newly published 3rd edition cleanse book which includes food list, recipes, guide­lines, and pro­ce­dures.  There is also a meetings for new participants to review cleanse book and to discuss the compasionate cleanse process that includes an understanding of the bodies phase 1 and phase 2 detox process.  Keep in mind there are many ways to approach the cleanse and we will dis­cuss that at our first meet­ing if this is your first time.

This cleanse is for all lev­els, body types and no pre­vi­ous yoga expe­ri­ence required.

“Cleans­ing is not about liv­ing long, but liv­ing well”

  • No Fast­ing or Juic­ing required.
  • Open to Car­ni­vores and Veg­ans.
  • No Yoga back­ground required.
  • Ages 14 and older wel­come.
  • Every­one can ben­e­fit from this pro­gram.
  • House­holder cleanse-You can work dur­ing this cleanse.
  • Your Body, Your Pace, Your Commitment

Options avail­able for those who can not make it to class each day.

Take this time to reset, restore, and reconnect with your body.  

Summer Solstice Cleanse:

Date:  June 19th-29th
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 am
plus 15 minute gong Savasana until 7:45
(Daily for 11 Days)
Where: DJ Sanctuary at 8679 Jenny Avenue just above Mission Valley just North of the 8 on 805 at Murray Ridge just off the highway

All are welcome, please advise me of any injuries or limitations.

Return­ing Par­tic­i­pant

In-Person: $295
Live Zoom: $265
Recorded Zoom: $265

Note: Zoom recorded will receive each session by 10 am PCT the same day good for 3 days.

New Par­tic­i­pant*

In-Person: $350
Live Zoom: $325
Recorded Zoom: $325

Note: Zoom recorded will receive each session by 10 am PCT the same day good for 3 days

Note#2:  Best for New Students to register as soon as possible to receive included Evolution cleanse book and consult ($130 value-Included in new student registration) in order to prepare for the cleanse to customize program to individual circumstances.  This cleanse program is ideal for those working, new to yoga or needing flexibility for a variety of reasons in order to adapt and make the best out of any given 11 day period.

*Note: New Participant is defined as someone who has not taken this Evolution Cleanse program.  New Zoom Participants will recieve digital version of the manual. All new participants have an option for a cleanse manual preview prior to the cleanse.  The meeting can be via zoom or in person depending on your location.  If you are new please sign up at least 5-7 days prior to start of the cleanse in order to be properly prepared, guided and supported.

New Par­tic­i­pant registration includes the 2021 Evolution Cleanse Book written by Dhyanjot and spe­cial meeting/workshop on the phase 1 phase 2 detox process and cleanse review to customize for each individual needs ($130 value include with registration).

Cancellation Policy:  There are no refunds within 10 days of the cleanse due to location preparation, zoom recorded option and planning for the cleanse.  50% refund from 11 days to 28 days from the cleanse. Full refund if cancelled more than 28 days out from the cleanse less $25 administration fee.  All request for refund are based on email date and request.  Please send all requests to 

Do not let small obsta­cles stand in your way to bet­ter health and well­ness. Just make the choice and every­thing around you will sup­port the process for bet­ter health.

Restore, Refresh and Renew.

Dhyanjot, Author of the Evolution Cleanse, Nutri­tion­ist and E-RYT 500 yoga teacher has over 22 years of cleans­ing expe­ri­ence, 12 years facilitating the Evo­lu­tion cleanse pro­gram, over 7000 hours teach­ing Kun­dalini and Vinyasa Yoga and pre­vi­ously a co-owner of a healthy food restau­rant.  The Cleanse is also sup­ported by spe­cialty health food Chef Joel Koch and acupunc­tur­ist & mas­sage ther­a­pist Dr. Jacintha Roemer.

“The sup­port of my new friends at our daily sun­rise yoga and Dhyanjot’s help­ful wis­dom and encour­age­ment brought a sense of peace, joy, com­mu­nity, and a sub­tle momen­tum to the process; you’ll not be alone in this. Regard­less of what you think this cleanse will do for you, It will likely do a whole lot more than you expect.”

Element: Fire
Color: Red
Nature: Yang or Pitta tendencies
Emotion: Joy
Organ/Tissue:  Blood Vessels, Heart, Circulation, and Small Intestine

Summer is especially a good time to physically heal by drawing in the solar energy into the body and creating stronger pathways for healing.

Summer is a time to increase circulation for better blood flow to the organs, cells, and brain.  It is also a time to release sorrow or sadness and convert this energy to joy.


Cleanse Team

Dhyanjot also known by many students as “DJ is a E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher, pre­vi­ous owner of a health food restau­rant, nutri­tion­ist, and Author of the Evo­lu­tion Cleanse pro­gram estab­lished in 2009.  Dhyan­jots’  believes that a cleanse should be approach­able and should meet you where you are right now.  After many years of expe­ri­ence Dhyan­jot is sen­si­tive to the needs of every­one in order to adjust the cleansing process for each individual making this cleanse available to everyone.  His approach makes for a com­pas­sion­ate, effec­tive, and sus­tain­able expe­ri­ence even well after the cleanse is complete. Dhyan­jot dissolves many cleanse myths by giving you best cleanse prac­tices, up to date detox infor­ma­tion, and science based supplement recommendations.  During the cleanse ‘DJ’ “provides daily sea­sonal coach­ing to assist you phys­i­cally, emo­tion­ally, and men­tally in order for you to make the most of the cleansings process in relationship to your  per­sonal circumstances.

Chef Joel Koch
Offers preparation guidance and juices during the cleanse.

Dr. Jacintha ‘Jaz’ Roemer L.Ac., DACM, Dipl.O.M., is a certified Universal Healing Tao Medical Qi Gong instructor with over 15 years of Massage Therapy experience. A Doctoral graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Chinese Medicine Herbologist. She has traveled to both Thailand and China to further her studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Dr. Jaz is also co-owner of SD Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture, as well as being educated in a variety of massage modalities including Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Circulatory Massage, Tuina and her specialty–Chi Nei Tsang (Chinese Medical Abdominal Massage). Her offices are located in the Hillcrest/Banker’s Hill & Solana Beach San Diego area where she lives, practices and offers courses.  

What previous participants say about the cleanse

“I was on a path that was devi­at­ing from my spir­i­tual jour­ney and needed to get back on track. My goal was to detox myself of var­i­ous things that were caus­ing me to eat poorly, not sleep enough and lose focus. I plan on stay­ing on track by revis­it­ing the cleanse regularly.”

“This is my 4th cleanse with Dhyanjot to con­tinue to take care of my body. The need for another ‘reset’ was due.… Also, to kick up my metab­o­lism and start los­ing a few pounds again–I’ve let myself gain 10lbs, eat­ing out, being less mind­ful. I needed this to put me back in my body and out of my head.”

“This is my sixth time  doing the Evo­lu­tion cleanse, Its now a rou­tine.  Join­ing each cleanse is the best gift I can give myself.  The cleanses get me out of my head into my heart. They keep me grounded and help me to find clar­ity to trans­form into a more joy­ful per­son. By the end of each cleanse, my skin is glow­ing and radi­ant inside and out.”

“This cleanse is truly for body, mind and spirit. I found the sup­port of the group to be a very won­der­ful com­po­nent of the experience…I was able to con­tinue to work dur­ing the cleanse, was able to sur­pass what I thought I could do phys­i­cally and was able to over­come some unhealthy food habits.”

“This cleanse is a thor­ough way to com­mit to your­self the change you wish to be. It is guided by a tal­ented Yogi, and nour­ished by the com­mu­nity of stu­dents and humans that attend.”

“I enjoy the struc­tured sup­port to shed extra weight and emo­tional bag­gage. I gained clar­ity, strength, focus, sta­bil­ity, sense of light­ness and energy. I was sur­rounded by like-minded indi­vid­u­als that allowed me to feel safe and com­fort­able dur­ing this cleanse.”


Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.