More about Dhyanjot’s Evolution Cleanse

I would def­i­nitely rec­om­mend the cleanse and Dhyanjot’s classes. His classes give me lots of energy and I feel great. All the infor­ma­tion was clear, help­ful, and inter­est­ing. The food offered and pre­pared by the chef was excel­lent. I enjoyed every­thing espe­cially the spe­cial immune boost­ing mush­room soup and fish option. I liked that I had raw, veg­e­tar­ian, vegan and meat options dur­ing the cleanse and that it was adapt­able to everyone’s needs depend­ing on the level of their own com­mit­ment.

Lena G

Financial Analyst

The Evo­lu­tion Cleanse applys five principles that are very impor­tant in cleans­ing:  

-Daily Spe­cial­ized Yoga(Organ Stim­u­la­tion)
-Daily Spe­cial­ized Breath­ing Tech­niques (Energy Stim­u­la­tion)
-Spe­cific foods and supplement support options for Phase 1 and Phase 2 detox­ing (phys­i­cal Sup­port)
-Daily contact and coach­ing-Yoga Teacher, Nutrition Specialist, and Health Food Chef (Men­tal and motivational Support)
-Structured Support/Reflection-Group interaction/sharing, spiritual teacher & detail guidance & instructions (emotional support)

Cleanse are quarterly: Typically January, March/April, July, and October. (Subject to change: See Monthly event details on Home page of website)

Also Check out quarterly reboots to keep yourself on track between cleanses

The Detox Diet:

This detox is for all lev­els of health and diet.  All are wel­come, from the car­ni­vore to the vegan.  You will receive an exten­sive man­ual with dietary sug­ges­tions that are adapt­able and flex­i­ble.  Par­tic­i­pants will be able to cus­tomize their diet plan to accom­mo­date his/her own per­sonal cir­cum­stances.  There are options that vary based on per­sonal com­mit­ment and per­sonal dietary restric­tions.  You will receive guid­ance on how to approach the cleanse so there is no need to change your entire life’s rou­tine.
There will be no tra­di­tional fast­ing but the com­mit­ment to learn about dif­fer­ent types of foods and new ways to pre­pare them.   The detox man­ual has options from the raw food vegan to the carnivore.

I have done many cleanses and work­shops and this cleanse is one of the best one I have ever done.  These cleanses have given me such joy and hap­pi­ness. I had the best energy of my life and was just so happy to be alive and enjoy­ing each moment of life!. It is a doable cleanse even while putting in long days at work.  I strongly rec­om­mended this cleanse to my friends because you learn how to cleanse along with the practice of Kun­dalini Yoga which lightens you and increases your energy.  In all my attempts to cleanse, this was the best expe­ri­ence I ever had and I amazed myself. Even my friends were stunned at my accomplishments.”

Dan S

Teacher, Optimal Institute of Health

Daily Yoga:

All lev­els of Yoga prac­tice wel­come.

Having an active, intentional daily group yoga practice sets you up for cleanse success.  The pos­i­tive motivating energy recieved during sun­rise yoga creates the integral foundation to help one reset and align the phys­i­cal, emo­tional, and men­tal bod­ies that support the cleansing process.
Each morning for 11 days you arrive for sunrise yoga class. This daily class helps assess your progress and brings a focus to different organ system of the body. During these classes Dhyanjot teaches special yoga movements, breathing exercises, meditations and visualizations to assist the body for effective support during the cleans­e.
There are many stories of those participating in the Evolution Cleanse Program that have actively released deep phys­i­cal and emo­tional stagnations that were stored in the tis­sue and organs systems of the body.
Over the years students have expressed big shifts of energy during the yoga helping them feel more invigorated, in balance, and at peace in their mind and body. These testimonials of great success over the years have proven that intentional yoga by an experienced teacher is an integral part of a successful cleanse.

I didn’t entirely know what I was get­ting into and didn’t know what to expect. But I dived in and as the cleanse went on, I kept decid­ing to take it fur­ther. I expe­ri­enced my mind’s struc­tures and habits in a very clear and vis­ceral way. After a few days it wasn’t too much to move past some of my food crav­ings because each morn­ings yoga class was a guid­ing light. I looked for­ward to know­ing that I would be joined each day with the col­lec­tive strug­gle and sup­port of the group that encour­aged me to not give in, but keep going and take it fur­ther. The best part was watch­ing my mind shift from strug­gling or com­plain­ing about the changes occuring to an encour­ag­ing and uplift­ing voice that car­ried me higher, fur­ther, and deeper into the experience.

Joe N


In additon to the daily yoga, you will receive daily emails to keep you on track, moti­vate and sup­port your jour­ney.  You will be given many lifestyle and jour­nal­ing tech­niques along with sup­port­ive yoga pos­tures, med­i­ta­tions and inten­tions that keep you focused, moti­vated and involved.   A comprehensive Evolution Cleanse manual, written by Dhyanjot, is supplied to help guide you on the diet, food, and speicalized tech­niques to support the cleanse and make the journey more accessible and enjoyable.  Each day after yoga class includes a deep sound healing relaxation to help integrate your physical transformational and give you a chance to integrate the practice each day.  Additional you have daily access to an experienced health food chef, health food nutritionist with specialty in Ayurveda and a Chinese Medicine doctor.  You will also have an opportunity to learn and grow with group discussions and interactions from an experienced group of regular cleanse participants who join the cleanse each quarter to reset their body and keep balance in the mind.

This cleanse was rec­om­mended to me by a friend and it was a trans­for­ma­tional expe­ri­ence that is motivating and it builds community.   I espe­cially enjoyed how the yoga and chant­ing was incor­po­rated into the cleanse mak­ing it a very pow­er­ful expe­ri­ence. This cleanse gen­tly brought me back to a state of ‘reset’. It was a very pow­er­ful cleanse to clear out tox­ins not only through the guid­ance of diet and nutri­tion but through the guid­ance of move­ment, chant­ing, and med­i­ta­tion. Dhyan­jot is a pow­er­fully skilled leader that has com­pas­sion and is com­mitted to each person’s own ded­i­ca­tion to trans­for­ma­tion, to what­ever degree each chooses. The daily emails from Dhyan­jot imme­di­ately after each daily ses­sion dur­ing the cleanse were help­ful and mean­ing­ful. It showed me that Dhyan­jot really cared and is a full par­tic­i­pant in the process of our health and well-being. I appre­ci­ated his avail­abil­ity and his respon­sive­ness to our needs, ques­tions, and concerns.

Dr Jaz Roemer


Personal Exploration:

The “Evolution” Cleanse is an opportunity to evolve and get to know yourself and others at a deeper level.  When you take care of your body and mind you will find that it opens the space to explore deeper aspects of yourself and maybe even your own personal relationship with spirit. Daily journaling, self assessment, and intentions will help guide you on the principles of self limiting beliefs and paradigms of the past that have held you back from reaching your personal potential.
The level of explo­ration is per­son­al­ized and up to you. You are encour­aged to use the jour­nal­ing rec­om­men­da­tions and share with oth­ers your expe­ri­ence dur­ing des­ig­nated times dur­ing the cleanse.  Every­one is unique and has some­thing to give and receive dur­ing the cleanse.  All par­tic­i­pants are at dif­fer­ent stages of their per­sonal devel­op­ment and all are wel­come.  Whether its your first or 10th cleanse, realize that when you show up for yourself then you know that you are making positive progress in making wellness a priority in your life.  Cleans­ing is a process and the Evolution Cleanse is designed to be approached one step at a time so one can enjoy the process of transformation while being supported by a group of like minded individuals.
The Evolution Cleanse pro­gram cre­ates the compassionate space for you to learn more about yourself and set the framework to progress in your per­sonal growth phys­i­cally, men­tally and emo­tion­ally.  You will find yourself letting go of old pat­terns and habits that no longer serve your overall well being knowing that you are supported and that anything is pos­si­ble.  The cleanse group is a non-competitive group and the program is designed to meet people where they are as their are options and different approaches for everyone.

I was moti­vated to join the cleanse because I have asthma and I wanted to improve my breath­ing. I never needed my inhaler after the sec­ond class on the sec­ond day. This cleanse and reju­ve­na­tion exceeded my expec­ta­tions in every way. I started the pro­gram with no inten­tion of fol­low­ing the cleanse or even attend­ing every class each day. After the sec­ond day, I stopped drink­ing cof­fee and alco­hol and found myself re-arranging my sched­ule so I could make every morn­ing class. I wound up fol­low­ing the cleanse and never miss­ing a class. My only regret is that the cleanse came to an end. I have been doing yoga for over 20 years and these yoga classes were some of the most unique where every class was dif­fer­ent and refresh­ingly cre­ative. The time lit­er­ally flew by and the exer­cises were never rote. The com­bi­na­tion of breath­ing, stretch­ing, chant­ing, and med­i­ta­tion was chal­leng­ing but never beyond my ability-and it appeared that this was the con­sen­sus of the class, despite the fact that we all had vary­ing lev­els of yoga expe­ri­ence from first timers to the yogi.

Jan M



Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.