Yoga Classes On Demand

 Classes at your fingertips anytime, any place
Just Click Take Class’ and start the class on demand


These classes are for all levels of experience. The mantra tune in at the beginning and end of class is the same each time. If you are not familiar with them then you can choose to just listen and feel them or with time you will know them well.

Each class has Hatha Vinyasa warm ups with gentle variations followed by a Kundalini Yoga and meditation practice based on a variety of techniques and methods to clear energy stagnations for better body, mind and spirit awareness.  Choose a class you resonate with, then practice the class once or to increase the benefits do the class daily for a minimum of 7 days and for best results for 40 days.

There are individual classes, 3 class rejuvenation practices called reboots, and a 11 class detoxification program. Choose below and start a class today and begin transforming and managing the energy of your body for a clear mind and happy soul.

Note: Most classes listed below are available. If when you click register and no registration pops up then this class has not yet been uploaded. The first fifteen classes listed are already uploaded. More to come soon.  Namaste

The positve energy and inner peace that comes from taking these on demand yoga, med­i­ta­tion and a gong relaxation has car­ried over into every aspect of my life. Each time I take a class I find myself to be more mind­ful, con­nected and full of com­pas­sion for myself and oth­ers. Dhyan­jot is such an extra­or­di­nary teacher. He is incred­i­bly knowl­edge­able about a vast array of wellness-related sub­jects and his gen­uine con­cern for each stu­dent on a per­sonal level really comes through. I was cer­tainly chal­lenged by some aspects of the yoga prac­tice, but Dhyan­jot struck the per­fect bal­ance of offer­ing sup­port and alter­na­tives where needed, with­out allow­ing me to get lazy in my efforts.” Susie R

Class Topic:  Body Circulation

Class Description: A class that focuses on circulation of the blood and the flow of energy throughout the whole body

Class Topic:  Open Heart, Open Mind

Class Description:  A class that releases heaviness off the heart and enhances the quality of your human potential.

Class Topic:  Lung Cleanser Circulation

Class Description:   A great class to clear stagnations in the lungs and invigorate your prana or life force of the body.

3 Class Reboot Topic:  Clarity of Mind

Class Description: This is a 3 class rejuvenation series to clear a foggy mind and support the ability to feel and open your heart

Class Topic:  Sciatica and Nerve flow

Class Description: This class opens the flow of the sciatic nerve to help create the space for the nervous system to adjust and align. Those with sciatica will greatly benefit from this practice if repeated daily for 40 days.

Class Topic:  Spinal alignment and Flexibility

Class Description: This class is designed to help re-align the spine and with regular practice create more flexibility in your spine

Class Topic:  Heart Opening into Joy

Class Description: This class focus is about releasing tension around your shoulders, chest, heart and lungs. Less tension results in less anxiety, lower blood pressure, and a happier existence.

Class Topic:  Nurture and Self Care

Class Description: This class focus is on opening your heart and creating the space for healing and self care

Class Topic:  Balance, kindness, Radiance

Class Description: This class helps bring balance to body and mind to awaken self awareness and positive expression

Class Topic:  Immunity and Life Force enhancement for creativity

Class Description: This class focus is on enhancing the life force  generated by the body to boost immunity and activate one’s creativity

Class Topic:  Re-direct Accumulated Energy

Class Description: This is a great class on the full moon or just after the full moon to release any negative energy accumulated

Class Topic:  Akal, Undying and continuous Freedom of the soul

Class Description: This is a class to let go of sadness and celebrate those who have passed and resonate with the understanding that no one ever really dies. A great class to take and repeat for 17 days after a loved one passes

Class Topic:  Nervous System awaken to clear the path for inner wisdom

Class Description: This is a class opens the flow of the nervous system to clear the path for deeper introspection and wisdom

Class Topic:  Jai Ganesha for a Peaceful Mind

Class Description: This is a class to clear obstacles and bring a happy, peaceful and content state of your being.

Class Topic: Refresh and Renew

Class Description: A class to refresh your mind, body and spirit

Class Topic: Regenerate, Align and Activate the Nervous System

Class Description: A class stimulate, align and activate regenerative properties of the nervous system 

Class Topic:  Fear to love to experience grace

Class Description: A class to develop appreciation for your efforts in the state of gratitude moving from fear and into love.  To be happy and free in peace, light, and love.

Class Topic:  Ten Bodies System

Class Description: A class to clear conflict and activate the ten aspects of the phyche including the soul, 3 minds, the physical body and the 5 subtle dimensions of self. Did you know you had 10 bodies?  This class will help bring you understand your whole being.

Class Topic:  Ma Durga clearing of inner demons

Class Description: A class to embrace the inner power from the channel of Mother Durga, the demon slayer of inner demons.

Class Topic:  Full Moon Prana Power

Class Description: A class to embrace the power of the full moon to dissolve any negativity and imprint the success code for your potential


Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.