Evolution Cleanse Testimonials

Cleanse Tes­ti­mo­ni­als

” For any­one who may be inter­ested, I’d like to share my expe­ri­ence of Dhyanjot’s 11 day cleanse pro­gram. My name is Amanda, and I’m a 32 year old yoga novice who was floun­der­ing phys­i­cally and spir­i­tu­ally when I received the newslet­ter announc­ing his upcom­ing cleanse pro­gram. I dis­re­garded the email at first, think­ing that I would just embar­rass myself try­ing to par­tic­i­pate in a pro­gram with “hard­core” yoga prac­ti­tion­ers that had the dis­ci­pline to prac­tice from 5–6:30 am daily for 11 days. Some­thing in the back of my mind kept draw­ing me to the email, and two days before the cleanse was to begin, I emailed Dhyan­jot with my con­cerns. He put my mind at ease that the pro­gram could be adapted to accom­mo­date my level and encour­aged me to attend, and I’m so grate­ful that I did because it turned out to be one of the most incred­i­ble expe­ri­ences of my life.

The inner peace that came from begin­ning each day with yoga, med­i­ta­tion and a gong bath car­ried over into every aspect of my life. I found myself to be more mind­ful, con­nected and full of com­pas­sion for myself and oth­ers. Dhyan­jot is such an extra­or­di­nary teacher. He is incred­i­bly knowl­edge­able about a vast array of wellness-related sub­jects and his gen­uine con­cern for each stu­dent on a per­sonal level really comes through. I was cer­tainly chal­lenged by aspects of the yoga prac­tice and cleanse, but Dhyan­jot struck the per­fect bal­ance of offer­ing sup­port and alter­na­tives where needed, with­out allow­ing me to get lazy in my efforts.

The group itself was a pow­er­ful entity. I feel that we grew close through the shared expe­ri­ence and there were sev­eral times I came to class with ques­tions and left with answers, just through hear­ing about the expe­ri­ences of oth­ers and being in such a lov­ing space. Dur­ing some of the chant­ing and singing parts of the morn­ing, I expe­ri­enced what I can only describe as a cel­lu­lar level of con­nect­ed­ness. After class, we were often pam­pered with home­made yogi tea and deli­cious snacks. I’m still try­ing to per­fect Joel’s fresh fruit with sprouted seeds and thick almond milk (from scratch).

I was able to com­plete the cleanse, attend­ing class each morn­ing and stick­ing to the rec­om­mended foods. I sur­prised myself by accom­plish­ing this, as I tend to be bet­ter at start­ing things than fin­ish­ing them. I lost nine pounds dur­ing the eleven day cleanse and I have kept them off due to the release of some habits that were not serv­ing me, as well as con­tin­u­ing to incor­po­rate many of the foods and prac­tices from the cleanse into my daily life. Per­haps even more sig­nif­i­cant than the weight I’ve lost is the per­spec­tive I’ve gained from the cleanse. I rearranged my liv­ing room to make space for a yoga/meditation cor­ner where I now spend time with my daily per­sonal prac­tice. I find myself drawn to peo­ple, books, foods and activ­i­ties that reflect the level of con­scious­ness I’ve wanted to be liv­ing for quite some time. I’m con­tin­u­ing to work with Dhyan­jot in his capac­ity as a nutri­tional con­sul­tant and I feel excite­ment, hope and a spirit of adven­ture and dis­cov­ery as the process unfolds. This is such a strong con­trast to the resent­ment, depri­va­tion and lack of self-worth I’ve felt in the past from try­ing to attack my weight issues from the out­side in. I now feel more healthy and vibrant than I’ve ever felt in my adult life.

I can­not rec­om­mend Dhyanjot’s cleanse highly enough for ANY per­son look­ing to improve their health and expand their hori­zons. I am con­fi­dent that any­one who truly embraces the plan will derive many ben­e­fits from it and will find (as I have) that the value of the pro­gram far exceeds the cost of par­tic­i­pat­ing. Best wishes to you all! ”

Amanda L

“I have done many cleanses and work­shops and this cleanse is one of the best one I have ever done-and I work for the opti­mal insti­tute of health. It is a doable cleanse and I was able to put in long days at work and had lots of energy. The cleanse became so enjoy­able and with lots of joy. I have strongly rec­om­mended this cleanse to my friends because you learn a great cleanse, you learn about Kun­dalini Yoga, and you become lighter and increase your energy. These cleanses (it is my sec­ond cleanse with Dhyan­jot and Dhyan­jog) have given me such joy and hap­pi­ness. I had the best energy of my life and was just so happy to be alive and enjoy­ing each moment of life! In all my attempts to cleanse, this was the best expe­ri­ence I ever had and I amazed myself. Even my friends were stunned.”

Dan S

This cleanse was rec­om­mended to me by a friend and it was a trans­for­ma­tional expe­ri­ence, moti­vat­ing, and com­mu­nity build­ing. I espe­cially enjoyed how the yoga and chant­ing was incor­po­rated into the cleanse mak­ing it a very pow­er­ful expe­ri­ence. This cleanse gen­tly brought me back to a state of ‘reset’. It was a very pow­er­ful cleanse to clear out tox­ins not only through the guid­ance of diet and nutri­tion but through the guid­ance of move­ment, chant­ing, and med­i­ta­tion. Dhyan­jot is a pow­er­fully skilled leader, with com­pas­sion and com­mit­ment to each person’s own ded­i­ca­tion to trans­for­ma­tion, to what­ever degree each chooses. The daily emails from Dhyan­jot imme­di­ately after each daily ses­sion dur­ing the cleanse were help­ful and mean­ing­ful. It showed me that Dhyan­jot really cared and a full par­tic­i­pant in our health and well-being. I appre­ci­ated his avail­abil­ity and his respon­sive­ness to our needs, ques­tions, and concerns.

Jaz R

I didn’t entirely know what I was get­ting into, didn’t know what to expect. But I dived in and as the cleanse went on, I kept decid­ing to take it fur­ther. I expe­ri­enced my mind’s struc­tures and habits in a very clear and vis­ceral way. After a few days it wasn’t too much to move past some of my food crav­ings espe­cially with each morn­ings yoga class as a guid­ing light. I looked for­ward to know­ing that I would be joined each day with the col­lec­tive strug­gle and sup­port of the group that encour­aged me not to give in, keep it going and to take it fur­ther. The best part was watch­ing my mind shift from strug­gling with or com­plain­ing about the changes to my mind being an encour­ag­ing and uplift­ing voice that car­ried me higher, fur­ther, and deeper.

Joe N

I was moti­vated to join the cleanse because I have asthma and I wanted to improve my breath­ing. I never needed my inhaler after the sec­ond class the sec­ond day. This cleanse and reju­ve­na­tion exceeded my expec­ta­tions in every way. I started the pro­gram with no inten­tion of fol­low­ing the cleanse or even attend­ing every class each day. After the sec­ond day, I stopped drink­ing cof­fee and alco­hol and found myself re-arranging my sched­ule so I could make every morn­ing class. I wound up fol­low­ing the cleanse and never miss­ing a class. My only regret is that the cleanse came to an end. I have been doing yoga for over 20 years and these yoga classes were some of the most unique where every class was dif­fer­ent and refresh­ingly cre­ative. The time lit­er­ally flew by and the exer­cises were never rote. The com­bi­na­tion of breath­ing, stretch­ing, chant­ing, and med­i­ta­tion was chal­leng­ing but never beyond my ability-and it appeared that this was the con­sen­sus of the class, despite the fact that we all had vary­ing lev­els of yoga expe­ri­ence from first timers to the yogi.

Jan M

I would def­i­nitely rec­om­mend the cleanse and Dhyanjot’s classes. Gives me lots of energy and I feel great. All the infor­ma­tion was clear, help­ful, and inter­est­ing. The food offered and pre­pared by Dhyan­jog was excel­lent. I enjoyed every­thing espe­cially the spe­cial immune boost­ing mush­room soup and fish option. I liked that I had raw, veg­e­tar­ian, vegan and meat options dur­ing the cleanse and that it was adapt­able to everyone’s needs depend­ing on the level of their own commitment.



I really liked the cleanse. I think it is some­thing every­one should do at least once a year. I liked try­ing new foods that I can eas­ily adapt to my reg­u­lar diet. I thought I would be tired but really felt good each day. I gained time and energy from the lifestyle of the cleanse. Loved the gong each morn­ing and I felt so awake and ener­gized each day. I did come to real­ize that cer­tain crav­ings and hunger was only in the mind and it was nice to over­come them with ease with the guid­ance and sup­port of Dhyan­jot and the group par­tic­i­pants. I felt the cleanse was orga­nized and enjoyed the flow of the 11 days. I had a great experience.

Damian C

The cleanse is full of love and sup­port, but set within a nice struc­ture. The morn­ing rit­ual is what got me through the cleanse. After com­plet­ing the cleanse I feel stronger, lighter, more mind­ful, and con­nected to all things. It has been one of my best expe­ri­ences of my life. I found the time of day (5 AM) to be ideal. Per­haps a car­pool sheet would be help­ful for envi­ron­men­tal and account­abil­ity for show­ing up each day. I really appre­ci­ated all the infor­ma­tion and con­tent to guide me through the process. I espe­cially like some of the yoga pos­tures that were some­times chal­leng­ing but it gave me some of my biggest emo­tional releases which was a nice mea­sure of my progress and men­tal state. I loved every minute!! My deep­est thanks to you Dhyanjot–


I liked the group expe­ri­ence the best on the 11 day detox­i­fi­ca­tion. Shar­ing knowl­edge and per­sonal encoun­ters while learn­ing about what oth­ers feel and see is a nice way to gauge my own process. The time of day was per­fect. It gave me plenty of time to get to work. I would have liked to have the first day off work or get a list of food and herbs ahead of time so I could be bet­ter pre­pared prior to the first day of cleanse. The hand­outs and infor­ma­tion was very help­ful in guid­ing me each day. Look­ing for­ward to the next one!

Sarah S

I liked the group energy the most. It was really help­ful to be sur­rounded by oth­ers going through the same expe­ri­ence. I am now more aware of what I am eat­ing and why I am choos­ing to eat what I do. Advice for those that may do the cleanse would be to go in with an open mind, be kind to your­self, and wel­come change. I loved the 5 am yoga class, it was an excel­lent time to awaken with the sun! My great­est chal­lenge was deal­ing with my crav­ings. After a few days they really started to dis­si­pate by focus­ing on the heal­ing aspects and other ben­e­fits of the cleanse that was dis­cussed daily. I would have love to have some cook­ing and juic­ing classes added to the next one.

Mandie S

Dhyanjot’s blend of yoga with sound cur­rents is a unique expe­ri­ence, pow­er­ful and trans­form­ing. The music is always an eclec­tic mix — includ­ing drum­ming, chant­ing and live gongs. The gongs alone are worth going to a class or work­shop to expe­ri­ence it.

Dhyan­jot brings to each class his exten­sive knowl­edge of the body and its phys­i­cal sys­tems with a soul­ful inter­pre­ta­tion that includes yogic phi­los­o­phy, plan­e­tary influ­ences, and how sound affects the body and spirit.

In the process of doing yoga, breath work, chant­ing and med­i­ta­tion, the class atmos­phere allows for a deep expe­ri­ence of yoga, sound and spirit. And while you are trav­el­ing on this jour­ney, you are in good hands. Dhyan­jot is a com­pe­tent, knowl­edge­able and atten­tive guide.

I am very grate­ful to have him here in San Diego!

Terri B


Hi, I'm Dhyanjot. This website offers information into my yoga classes, sound & light heal­ings and mas­ter­ing life ses­sions designed to help peo­ple live pain free, pros­per­ous lives.  In addition, I facil­i­tate nutri­tional health cleanses, vibra­tional heal­ing work­shops, gong immer­sions for deep heal­ing and I am avail­able for holis­tic health and life coach­ing.

© 2012 Integrated Wellness SD / JotYoga.